Please note! Price lists have their own prioritization system that you can read about in the discount prioritization article.
If you would like to know how to import a price list, be sure to read our guide on that!
Creating a New Price List
In the back office, navigate to PIM -> Price lists. Click New to create a new price list. Fill in all necessary fields.
Price lists can have a start and end date, or you can leave those fields blank to have the price list last indefinitely.
To ensure the price list is active, check the Active checkbox below the price list’s name. You may uncheck the box to turn off a price list.
Save the price list when you are done to open up new tabs.
Choose the appropriate tab to begin creating the price list:
- Products with special prices
- Products with discounts
- Discount to product groups
- Discount to brands
Products with special prices (Individual products)
Apply a price list to specific items. You can discount items by setting a new price or by a certain percentage.
Click the Add items button to open a menu labeled Add items to price list.
There, you can add items individually or by group, category, brand, or supplier. Once added, click Save and close the window.
Enter a new price in the New price column, or enter a discount in the Discount column. Save when you are done.
Note: Items with special prices create set prices. This means that if you lower the price with a discount, the new price will stay the same even if the item's regular price increases.

Products with discounts (Individual products)
Apply a discount to specific items. You can discount items by a certain percentage.
Click the Add items button to open a menu labeled Add items to price list.
There, you can add items individually or by group, category, brand, or supplier. Once added, click Save and close the window.
Enter a discount in the Discount column. Save when you are done.
Discounts to product groups
Apply a price list to entire product groups and subgroups. More than one product group can be added to this price list. You can only create percent discounts.
Save when you are done.

Discounts to brands
Apply a price list to entire brand. More than one brand can be added to this price list. You can only create percent discounts.
Save when you are done.
Price List Association
Price lists will not go into effect until they are associated. This can be done in one of four ways:
- Location
- Customer Group (valued customers, etc.)
- Specific Customer
- Time periods (weekend sale, Black Friday price list, etc.)
Associating a price list to a Location
In the back office, navigate to Retail -> Locations. Select the location that you’d like to add the price list to.
You can add up to five price lists in the Store price lists section. Click a dropdown menu and select which price list you’d like to apply.
Save when you are done.

Associating a price list to a Customer Group
Navigate to Customers -> Customer Groups. Right-click a customer group and select Edit to associate a price list to it.
You can add up to five price lists to a customer group. Click a dropdown menu and select which price list you’d like to apply.
Save when you are done.
Associating a price list to a Specific Customer
Navigate to Customers -> Customers. Click on the customer’s name who you’d like to associate the price list to, and scroll down to the Sales section in the left-hand gray menu.
You can add up to three price lists to a customer. Click a dropdown menu and select which price list you’d like to apply.
Save when you are done.

Associating a price list with a Specific Time Period
All price lists may be configured with an active start and end date. Price lists can also be set to not expire.
If a price list is applied to a customer group, customer, or location, but it is outside of the time specified, it will not apply.
For this type of Price list, you must specify an end date on the price list card.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is it possible to create exceptions to group discounts?
No, there is currently no way to exempt specific items from a discount that is set in the Product Group Discounts section. If you'd like to discount every item in a group except for one, you need to do it in the Product Discounts section.
Can I hide discounted price lists from showing up on the receipt as a discount?
Yes, if you go to POS Settings -> Configuration and tick the checkbox for Do not show price list as a discount in shopping cart rows.
Is it possible to prohibit the application of a discount on a certain price list?
Without directly turning the price list off or removing the ‘offending’ product, it is not possible to prohibit the discount, it’s always applied automatically where necessary as long as it’s turned on.
Price list can be turned off in the BO -> Reatail -> Price lists -> Select the price list that needs to be turned off -> Remove the checkmark for the “Enabled”.